Charles Wright
Senior Vice President

A veteran of California legislative policy and politics for over three decades, Charles offers his clients unparalleled insights into the inner workings of the California State Capitol. Charles brings thoughtful government affairs strategies to each project he undertakes. He approaches his work through strong relationship building and the foresight to anticipate and mitigate challenges before they arise.
Charles was a senior legislative strategist and political advisor to four consecutive Senate leaders. He guided state policy on a range of issues that impact Californians every day — from organized labor to controlled gambling with an emphasis on sports wagering; from the burgeoning medical and recreational cannabis market to the regulation of how alcohol is marketed and sold in California. Charles spent years shepherding tribal gaming compacts and public employee memoranda of understanding through the State Senate.
As the senior policy staffer on union issues, Charles’ found that all industries are affected by labor, directly or indirectly. He is an expert on the policy and politics of Assembly Bill 5 — the landmark bill that codified into state law the California Supreme Court decision that redefined how full-time workers are classified.
Charles was born and raised in Eugene, Oregon and is a life-long Oregon Duck football fan. He graduated from Southern Oregon State College (now Southern Oregon University) with a bachelor’s in political science. He and his wife, Kristin, have three children – Ace, Shelby and Violet. They live in Elk Grove.